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  1. Birds may gather together, which leads to spread of diseases. finch’s eye disease

  2. It aggravates the Predator Effect and increases birds’ death rate with a growing number of them crashing into the windows to escape their predators.

  3. It postpones birds’ migration time through human factors and gives rise to their death related to hunting and harsh climate.



  1. Natural factors outshine. Especially for the species of house finch, in fact, their high frequency of migration accelerates the spread of disease among individual birds and bird species.

  2. Bird feeders provide more nutrients to birds, enable them to grow robust, and elevate their reproduction rate. And the young fill in the blanks resulted from the old’s death. Bird’s population still increases without any decrease.

  3. Sunlight together with some other factors other than food constitute main causes of migration.

  独立写作 重复2014年7月6日

  (A/D) People should take time to relax with hobbies or physical activities that are very different from what they do at work.

  √ Agree:

  Point 1: to broaden one’s horizons/develop one’s interests.

  Point 2: to enlarge one’s friend circle.

  Point 3: combination of one’s career & interest

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